About Us

One afternoon last year, I sat at a friend’s kitchen counter furiously jotting down notes as we brainstormed ideas. Had someone told me in that moment how drastically this dream I was creating would advance, how quickly the amount of growth would occur, and how it would take off from there, I wouldn’t have believed them. Sorelle has transformed many times over the past year due to hard work from the individuals who love and support my dreams and never ending idea connections which are always spinning in my brain! The generous and loving man I married, and my rather unexpected, matter-of-fact partner JP, have managed to transform the ramblings of my writer’s mind, into one of the most beautiful pieces of work I have been able to witness come to life.

We are a team who want to empower the other women who surround our lives, our Sisterhood, and so Sorelle was born. Its depth has more meaning to me though, as Sorella (meaning ‘sister’ in Italian) is the tattoo I bear on my right foot, the same scripted tattoo my younger sisters wear on their bodies as well, thus birthing the inspiration for the name of the site and our brand. Further though, is my intense connection with our natural world, with Mother Nature. She is my sister in the oceans and forests, the mountains and rivers, my kindred spirit, the deepest part of my Sisterhood.

Sorelle began with my desire to build a community …
Where every and anyone may contribute …
Sisterhood of fitness nuts like myself dedicated to positive body love and self-motivation …
Sisterhood of warriors, survivors who have faced adversities no woman, no mother, no human should ever have and yet live to tell …
Sisterhood of mommies who have stood by my side in health and parenting, crisis, joys and tears …
Sisterhood of Christian sisters who have aided in the recovery and healing of my past, and helped guide my hope for my future in the Lord …

The world we live in is cold and cruel, the negativity my children are surrounded by has tainted their innocence early. My teen daughter is a part of this website because I desired to show her there are others she can turn to, as I have my Sisterhoods at many points, and people she can help by letting her voice be heard. My sisters all carry deep and personal things about my family and myself, and have honored me in sharing their own, which is where my belief in their need to be heard originates. I want to give them, along many other women, the platform for their voices to be heard.

Over the years I’ve read a few pieces written by women about their “Sisterhoods,” in most instances, regarding those they have met or created online, but I have yet to find a SINGULAR place where ALL women can come to find whatever specific Sisterhood they are seeking. If you are reading this, I would like to welcome you to Sorelle, your search ends here!


Alyss Profile
Kendra Profile