Struggle Is Part of The Story

Couple watching sunset

My story begins with my husband Donavan and I in 2015, when we decided we were ready to grow our family. We had always been a strong couple…

It’s A Rainbow, Baby!

Rainbow baby shoes

Whether you are trying to conceive, pregnant, have suffered a loss, or if you’re already blessed to be a mother, I want to encourage you to do a few things …

A Thousand Miles Began With One Step

Road through grassy hills

Heading down the highway that morning, trunk packed full, and my babies safely asleep in the back seat, I knew only one phone number by heart.

My Only Way Out Was Through It

Spilled wine spells love

I’m going to be bluntly honest here. This is my truth and some won’t agree, while others won’t want to read what is written because my truth hurts them…